Friday, September 17, 2010

The people know

It's true, in this moment I'm still in Italy, still at Bocconi University, still at the third floor of the Velodromo building. But the people know. They are surprised of my presence. In their mind I should be somewhere else... I should be in BERLIN!

And, actually, I'll leave for Berlin the 1st of October. All the other collegues, the ones who are in Exchange, they left Italy in August. But Germany is different, Germans are different. In Germany the first semester begins in October and ends in March. This is what I have to tell to all the people asking me "shouldn't you be in Berlin?".

The people know, and ask. "I didn't know you speak German, did you?", well, actually I don't, I just speak a modest english and a very basic french. "Did you find any accomodation?", "How will you manage your travel?", "What will you do once there?", and so on, talking about the opportunities offered by Berlin, its cost of live, its culture, its food, its people..

The questions are many, but all summarizable in one: HOW TO LIVE IN BERLIN?

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